Piezo Micro Manipulator
PMM(Piezo Micro Manipulator) has contributed to brilliant progress of embryological engineering and the reproduction technology in recent years. Through the applications of Piezo-ICSI, Nuclear transfer (cloning), and ES injection, etc.
To satisfy the demands for the micromanipulation, PRIMETECH has not only the PMM-system but also extensive products in the micromanipulation field, from the glass microtool to the 3-axis electric-micromanipulator system.

Piezo PMM4G
Delicate perforation of the membranes and easy operation are essential for micromanipulation. With our knowledge and well established experience in microinjection, and our long-standing expertise in piezo technology demonstrated in the very …
Bio Lab solutions Sdn Bhd has the capabilities to provide a sales and technical support of biological microscope , lab equipments, chemical, and industrial precision instrument. We are the dealers for Nikon and Olympus Microscope.
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